Task Notes

Leaving notes on a task can be a great way to keep any important information for a specific task handy and easy to access. It can be something simple like noting that you left a voicemail when calling a prospect or even something more E&O friendly like noting when an insured asked to reduce or remove coverage for a policy. All Task Notes will be date and time stamped when they are left and marked with which user left the note. These notes are NOT editable.


1. Navigate to any Task that you need to leave a note on. At the bottom of the Task, you will see a green button labeled Add Note

task note 1


2. Clicking that button will open up a note window for you to leave any note you would like

task note 2


3. After clicking Save, the note will be date and timed stamped along with the name of the user who left the note

task note 3


