Release Notes 28.5 (10/18/2023)

Our 28.5 release on October 19th, 2023 includes several new features and enhancements that will make your job easier. In this post, we'll highlight some of the most important changes so you can start using them right away.

CRM Updates:

  1. Deleted Contacts Log: Whenever a contact is deleted, we're now logging this along with the user who deleted it. This information will be visible if a contact is restored.
  2. Message Status on New Contact Record: For SMS and emails, the status (e.g., sent, unsent, error) will now be displayed on the new contact record.
  3. Display of All LOBs on Referral Partner Page: ALL linked LOBs for an agency are now visible on the referral partner referral page.
  4. Nightly Processing for Substatuses: We've scheduled nightly tasks for the system to process rewrites and other substatuses.
  5. Attachments & Renewal Pipeline Notes: These were previously linked to the contact owner. Now, they're correctly linked to the actual user that either uploaded the file or moved the renewal card.
  6. Monthly Goal Pie Chart: Inactive users will no longer appear in this chart.
  7. Total Premium on Contact Record: Calculation is now based only on Active/Active policies.
  8. Removal of Data from New Contact Record: It's now simpler to remove email, phone, and DOB from a new contact record.
  9. Email Sync Enhancements:
    • Deactivating a user/agency disconnects their synchronized email.
    • The new features include the ability to send to multiple email addresses and sync based on the message thread (both are backend functionalities at this point).

AMS Updates:

  1. Unmatched Downloads Tool: We've upgraded the user experience, making it more intuitive and aligned with our new design patterns.
  2. Matching Commercial Records: You can now match commercial records to personal contacts from the unmatched report.
  3. PCH Transaction Corrections: PCH transactions have been adjusted to correctly update commission amounts.
  4. Error Message Enhancements: We've made error messages more descriptive when matching policies during the unmatched process.
  5. Enhanced Logging for Claims: Claims will now log CRM webhook responses.
  6. Carrier Certification: We're certified to receive IVANS Downloads from Carrier “Pie Insurance” specifically for LOB “Workers Compensation”.