Release Notes - 22.5.2

A comprehensive guide to our full 22.5.2 release on May 31st of 2022


  • Automatically sort Notes by Original Note Date instead of Date Added to BA
      • This was really only an issue when we were importing exit files. Older Notes were floating to the top since they were added recently
  • Email Sync Improvements
      • This was more of a bug but we noticed that with the email sync, the data was not always being saved correctly in the database in order for us to keep the sync active for more than an hour at a time
  • Carrier Standardization
      • Like policy types, we needed to standardize the carriers to prevent duplicates from being created via IVANS downloads 
      • This will also help with reporting and filtering since users will no longer have to select every single underwriting company a carrier may use in order to get accurate information
      • Users will also no longer be able to add new carriers
  • Don’t automatically create a Task on every Service Ticket creation
      • We were creating a Task every single time a Service Ticket was being made but there was no place to edit this Task or even turn it off or on
      • Now, we will not create the Task automatically since the users are now able to create Tasks and associate them with specific policies
  • Automatically complete Tasks created from a previous Pipeline Stage when an Opportunity gets moved to a new Stage
    • Example: if I have an Opportunity in the Working Stage for a week, I might have had 3 Tasks get created over that time. These Tasks won’t get completed unless I manually go into my Task List or to the Contact Record and complete them
    • Now, if I move that Opportunity to Won, every Task that was created while in Working will be completed automatically so I don’t have to complete every single one manually