Adding Prospects to Referral Partner Lead Campaigns

New Lead campaigns are a big part of Better Agency, which is why we give you the ability to create your own. You also have the ability to create a New Lead campaign that is triggered by a specific Referral Partner Type. I'll show you how to trigger that campaign from the Contact List and the Contact Record below. 


1. In order to trigger a New Lead campaign other than the Foundational New Lead, we will look for two pieces of criteria: policy type and lead source. The policy type is very straightforward but the lead source gives you a little room for creativity. You can set this up to look for a specific referral partner type, such as Dealerships, Banks, Other Insurance Agents, etc. For the purpose of this article, you will want to make sure the prospect you are wanting to add to a referral partner specific campaign has both the correct referral partner in the lead source AND a pending policy in the Sales Pipeline.


2. Once you know the prospect qualifies to trigger the campaign, you can go to two places to launch it. The first is the Contact List. You can do this by checking the box next to any contact's name that you want to add, click Actions, then select the correct campaign from the box. 

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3. When the side bar opens up, select the campaign you want to add them to and then 'Start'

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4. After the system is finished processing, it will tell you how many contacts were added successfully and how many were not.

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5. If you click on those numbers, it will open a new tab with just those contacts so you can check why or why not they were added. 


The next place you can go to add a prospect to a referral partner campaign is from the contact card itself. The same rules apply s far as the lead source and the policy type. This process is almost identical and can be seen below. 


1. Click on Campaign Details from the contact card

contact campaign 1


2. Next click on Add to Campaign

contact campaign 2


3. Now you will just find the campaign you want to add them to and click Start Campaign

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4. As long as they match the criteria for that campaign, they will be added!

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